We work with, and seek out, open-minded and purposeful clients who understand the difference great design and meaningful communication can make.
We're a small in size, but big on experience. We create effective and award winning design for a broad range of individuals, companies and organisations. Delivering strong strategic ideas that are single-minded, relevant and distinct for each and every client is our genuine passion. Our approach is direct, simplifying the complex to consistently deliver intelligent and wonderfully crafted solutions. We genuinely care about the people we partner with and the impact our work has.
Difference –
We believe good design makes a big difference. To stand out in an ever-crowded market, you need to be relevant, unique and easily identifiable. We listen hard, research well and explore thoughtful ideas and intelligent design solutions to make sure this happens.
with Meaning –
We live in a world where we are bombarded by hundreds of thousands of messages daily, good design has to be simple to cut through and have real impact. We look for a big idea, story or thread so that even the most complex message gets through.
Be Beautifully
Considered –
We’re passionate about creating beautifully crafted and considered communication. We collaborate with a network of specialists, from experienced writers and typographers to photographers and illustrators, so that every piece of work we produce looks and sounds fantastic.
We design for a reason - either to solve a business problem or challenge, to identify and communicate difference, to connect with meaning, to provoke a thought or reaction, or simply raise a smile. We're an ideas company that provide a wide range of design services including, but not limited to:
Thinking –
Brand positioning
Brand architecture
Verbal identity
Doing –
Brand identity
Brand guidelines
Our model is flexible allowing us to scale our team up and down to deal with work flow, as and when required. Made by Big was founded by Kevin Blackburn who leads and directs the creative and strategy of every single project.