Red Nose – Melbourne, Australia

little lives –

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In 2016 the organisation known as SIDS and Kids was re-named, re-branded and re-positioned to represent the beacon of hope among young families to address every parents’ greatest fear… the death of their child. 


In Australia each year over 3,500 families experience the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child, either through stillbirth or during the first month of life, from sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI & SIDS or fatal sleeping accidents), sudden unexpected death in childhood including accidents (SUDC).

We were honoured to work on such a heart felt and meaningful project. Our design approach was based on three key pillars, simplicity, balance and stand out. The charity space is a very crowded one. To cut through and establish our new positioning in the market we need to be simple, direct and recognisable. The new identity had to perform a number of functions and communicate in a variety of voices - from raising funds, conducting research, delivering actionable information and much more. The communication needed be to compelling to every audience - we want people to sit up, take notice, get involved and make the change.